Veterans, First Responders and Caregivers Retreats

Healing for Veterans, First Responders, and their Support Person.
BC Adaptive Snowsports (BCAS) is proud to present Shoulder 2 Shoulder Retreats. A safe place for ill or injured veterans and first responders to heal with their support person. These all-inclusive 4-day events are run by skilled certified volunteer instructors who will focus on an individual’s needs.
BCAS, along with their partner ski clubs, will be offering five Shoulder 2 Shoulder Retreats this coming 2024/25 season:

Our goal is to have all costs covered by our supporters. Veterans and first responders along with their support person will be given this opportunity without any financial strain.

“Thank you for the opportunity to have joined this event with my spouse. This has been an extremely uplifting and empowering week for her and has shown her that she is only limited by the power of her imagination…  I sincerely hope this event can continue and benefit more people in the future.

-Jeff (Spouse and veteran) 

Veterans and Caregivers Retreat - 4
Veterans and Caregivers Retreat - 3

“Skiing is my happy place, it revives emotions of joy and inspires purpose… Sharing a life-changing experience, with my daughter, has been invaluable in cementing a strong bond, one that I believe will contribute to breaking a former pattern of poor and fractured parental relationships and forge meaningful future family time”

– Lisa, Veteran